25.10.2023, 17:45 - 19:45 Uhr   

Cyber Valley Meet-up #08

Treffen an der HdM in Stuttgart

© peshkov
Geolocation concept with digital glowing white pin marks on blue world map model at dark wallpaper. 3D rendering (Geolocation concept with digital glowing white pin marks on blue world map model at dark wallpaper. 3D rendering, ASCII, 114 components,
25.10.2023, 17:45 - 19:45 Uhr

Do you want to learn more about Cyber Valley and connect with like-minded people? Are you wondering how Cyber Valley could help you with your research projects or start-up ideas? Find out how you can benefit from the Cyber Valley ecosystem by coming to our Meet-up in October.

Treffen an der Hochschule der Medien (Nobelstraße 10, 70569 Stuttgart)

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung auf der Website des Veranstalters CyberValley